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Graduate Schools of Banking and Trust Scholarships

The 2025 nomination period is now open. Nominations must be submitted by December 6, 2024.

Each year, the CSBS Education Foundation (CSBSEF) conducts a competition to award scholarships to three state banking department personnel to attend the graduate school of banking or graduate trust school of their choice. Nomination forms and instructions on competing for this prestigious award are sent to each state banking department commissioner and training director.

CSBSEF accepts nominations from state bank supervisors of qualified departmental personnel for its Graduate Banking and Graduate Trust School Scholarship Award and Samuel E. Weinrott Memorial and Bill Ford Memorial Scholarship programs.

The complete program description, containing contact information, qualifications, and program procedures, and the nomination form can be accessed in the links below. The nomination form may be duplicated or entered into a computer and completed; however, the format must remain as in the original.

Each state may submit up to three (3) nominations for graduate banking and/or graduate trust scholarships.


Scholarship Qualifications

All nominees must have the following qualifications:

Scholarship Qualifications


Nomination Procedure

State Bank Supervisors must nominate candidates using nomination forms provided by the Foundation. Submit completed forms for consolidation and referral to a panel of judges for consideration and final selection.

2025 Nomination Form

Nomination forms are due by midnight on Friday, December 6, 2024 and should be emailed to:

Katie Hoyle
Director, Workforce Development
[email protected]

Candidate Notification

Upon completion of the review process, the CSBSEF Chairman will notify nominees of the results. Those selected will be asked to register with the graduate banking or trust program of their choice.

About the Graduate Schools of Banking and Trust


In 1972, the Board of Directors of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) authorized a program to reward outstanding and deserving examiners who demonstrate excellence in their work by supporting their attendance at the graduate banking or graduate trust school of their choice. The Board of Trustees of the CSBS Education Foundation (CSBSEF) assumed responsibility for administering this program from CSBS.

The program is designed to:

  • Encourage and assist qualified bank and trust examiners to prepare themselves for expanded duties and responsibilities in their banking departments;
  • Broaden the examiner’s understanding of banking or trust operations;
  • Encourage excellence in bank and trust examination;
  • Provide the opportunity for State Bank Supervisors to recognize their outstanding examiners; and,
  • Raise the level of proficiency of state banking departments.

The Award

The Award is a scholarship to the Graduate Banking School and Graduate Trust Program of choice funded by CSBSEF and covers the actual annual costs up to $3,000 for tuition, registration fees, lodging, board, text materials, transportation and other related items such as graduation expenses for the top three applicants. In addition, the Graduate School of Banking at Colorado will provide a $1,500 scholarship per year of attendance to the fourth place winner to attend their graduate banking program.

The term of the Graduate Banking School and Graduate Trust Program award is up to three consecutive years depending on the school curriculum and assuming the recipient attends each session and satisfactorily completes problems assigned during the two and three-year courses, and remains employed by a state banking department.

Graduate School Locations

  • The Graduate School of Banking at Colorado
    University of Colorado, Boulder
  • The Graduate School of Banking
    University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • The Pacific Coast Banking School
    University of Washington, Seattle
  • The Southwestern Graduate School of Banking
    Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
  • The ABA Stonier Graduate School of Banking
    University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
  • The Graduate School of Banking 
    Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge