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NMLS Modernization

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NMLS Modernization is a muti-year effort to enhance NMLS and deliver an improved user experience for state regulators and industry professionals - those who rely on NMLS the most.

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NMLS Fact Sheets

Learn more about the NMLS Modernization, upcoming improvements to NMLS, and more. Return to this page for more resources as they become available.

NMLS Modernization FAQs

What does it mean to "modernize" NMLS? What enhancements are being made? How widely is NMLS used?

NMLS Release 2024.3 - Release Notes

The NMLS 2024.3 release introduces the Mortgage Call Report Form Version 6 (MCR FV6) for companies and individuals. 

Values Driving Modernization

Incorporating core values of being data-driven, user-focused and committed to adding value into NMLS Program culture and processes will lead to more informed decision-making. These core values will also lead to increased user satisfaction, and a more agile and responsive system development cycle − enhancing our chances of achieving established goals and delivering lasting value to NMLS users and stakeholders. 


Intuition is important but being data-driven means making decisions and taking actions based on empirical evidence and data analysis instead of relying on assumptions. 


We are dedicated to actively seeking and incorporating user feedback, preferences, and needs into system design, development, and decision-making processes. 

Committed to adding value  

Adding value is about delivering continuous, measurable benefits and improvements to NMLS. 

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