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CSBS Model Laws

CSBS and state regulators work together to create consistent regulatory standards for nonbank firms through the adoption of model laws. CSBS’s model laws provide a clear nationwide framework for state legislatures to enact and state regulatory agencies to implement. Model laws provide businesses with consistent requirements and promote common standards and practices across the state system, ultimately benefiting consumers.

Explore CSBS's current model laws below.

The Money Transmission Modernization Act is a single set of nationwide standards and requirements to modernize the supervision and regulation of money transmitters.
The CSBS model state regulatory prudential standards for nonbank mortgage servicers establish common financial capacity, governance, and risk management requirements for nonbank mortgage servicers.
The CSBS Nonbank Model Data Security Law leverages the FTC Safeguards Rule to establish a robust framework for nonbank financial institutions to mitigate cyber threats, prevent data breaches, and uphold the integrity of the financial system.