About SES
SES is an examination system built by state regulators for state regulators and the companies they supervise. The system connects agencies and companies in the examination process.
With more than 50 state agencies using SES, adoption is expected to continue as agencies now have access to a modern platform that fosters standardization and enables state-level coordination.
SES User Testimonials

The SES Consumer Complaints feature lets state agencies track and manage complaints they may receive related to companies they supervise. More than 4,000 consumer complaints have been captured in SES.

SES is enhanced continually. CSBS receives feedback from state agencies and companies whose hands-on experience helps drive how we improve the system to create an even better user experience.
Newly added mortgage standards offer state agencies a uniform approach for examining mortgage companies, in addition to the recently updated consumer finance, and debt industry standards available in SES. In addition, a QuickIR feature lets companies review standard information requests in the system and prepare their response to exam requests in advance.